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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Setting up and Running a Small Fruit or Vegetable Processing Enterprise

If you are interested in starting up a business, food processing offers an excellent opportunity to generate income using locally available resources. Focusing on the establishment of such a business using fruits and vegetables, this detailed and informative manual covers topics such as: products and processes (bottling, drying and picking), potential markets, equipment, facilities and quality assurance. Issues involved in the management of your business – health and safety, staffing issues, finances and business strategy – are also addressed in an easy-to-follow, practical way.
The result of collaboration between small business owners and advisers, this text provides an invaluable resource to both start-up enterprises and established entrepreneurs who wish to update and improve their businesses and profitablility.

This is a document published for the EU (European Union). Frequently the guidelines are similar to those in the US. Make sure you find and learn the ins and outs of your local ordinances that regulate this type of business. This is usually the local health department or similar. You will also need the appropriate business licenses and insurance for operation and sales.

Look and download the document here

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