Stand Alone Pages

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tomato Transplants Wilted and Died. Disease?

Q. Last weekend I started putting some tomatoes into raised garden beds. I had started these from seed about 8 weeks ago, transplanted them once into 20 oz plastic cups after four weeks, and hardened them off for a week before putting them in the ground. The were 4-6 inches tall. They went into good topsoil and I fertilized them lightly with Miracle Gro for tomatoes. Within about five days they started wilting from the bottom up and two are completely dead. I've noticed white lesions on several of the stems. Photos attached. Could this be blight? Is there a chance I overfertilized? I haven't seen any insects on the plants.

I Told You to Spray Your Vegetables!

Here is what to do when protecting your vegetables from insects:

This Question on Drip Irrigation Made My Head Hurt!

Q. I have a LOT of different shrubs and trees on only 2 valves. I don't know how to water them.

Never Plant or Transplant into a Dry Hole

Compost and soils amended heavily with composts can present some problems with transplants and seeds if you are not careful. I did some of my own testing with some local composts and guess what I found out!

Brown Bumps on Quince Branches Probably Scale Insects

Q. We have a three year old Quince tree which looked very good to me until today when I noticed brown or dark purple, small, pee-sized bumps on the top brunches. Removing the bumps causes a fluid to ooze out. I guess the fluid must be sweet since there are ants running up and down the branch.

Asparagus Production in Kosovo Just Taking Off

Kosovo is now an exporter of asparagus inside its own country, to the EU and beyond. I was there consulting in 2013 and 2014. They are filling their first orders now thanks to a USAID project, CNFA and Tetra Tech.

Leaf Cupping Normally Aphids...But Not This Time!

Q. My Blenheim apricot tree planted in 2012 is not doing well. A few branches have lost all their leaves. Other leaves are starting to curl and cup. This year it had plenty of apricots but few leaves. I thinned them out since the tree is young.

Meet Local Producer Janet Knight in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Here is one local producer in Las Vegas, yes IN Las Vegas, who has a backyard farm and welcomes visitors. If you like this, I will help you find some other local producers.

Harvest Garlic When the tops Dieback About 1/3 Where it is a Hot Climate

Q. I planted garlic back in the fall. It is close to harvest now, fully grown and some tops starting to brown. I pulled one the other day to check them. It seems fine and full of cloves with the papery outer skin, but the stalk above is very thick and dense. I'm wondering do I hang them to dry, and if so, for how long.