Stand Alone Pages

Comment on a Post

You read a post and you would like to add to this post s comment. Maybe you don't agree with the post and your experience is different. These are valuable comments and other people will benefit from them.

Here is how to leave a comment on a post.

Comment on a Post

You are reading a post. For example the post below, "Century Plant Yellowing: Water or Damage by Agave Weevil". No one has made a comment on this post because in the white box where there is a red arrow it says "No comments". If you want to leave a comment about this post, left click on the words "No comments".

When you left click on "No comments", a white box appears. In this white box type in your comments (1). In the case below, your comment is, "I had these weevils in my agaves last year in May."

After you type in your comment, left click on (2) where you will be given an option about how you would like other readers to see who you are. (This includes Anonymous). To publish your comment, left click on the blue box labeled "Publish" (3). You have just posted a comment to this post on my blog.

 If someone replies to your comment, you will be sent an email that a reply to your comment has been made. This email will contain a link that takes you back to the post and comments made. You can reply to another persons comment and keep the discussion alive.

See "How to Reply to a Comment on a Post"


  1. I live in Oracle AZ. My AZ rosewood is 15 yrs old. I have entire branches turning brown and dying. I do not water it on a schedule, mostly rely on winter and summer rains.
    I had removed dying branches but now I am getting more dying branches. Any suggestions?

  2. Thank you for providing the instructions on how to leave a comment on a post. It's great to see that you encourage readers to share their thoughts and experiences, even if they have a different perspective from the original post. Engaging in discussions and sharing diverse viewpoints can truly benefit everyone involved.

    I appreciate the clear step-by-step guide you have provided. It makes it easy for readers to navigate and participate in the comment section. Leaving a comment allows individuals to contribute their insights, ask questions, or share personal experiences related to the topic being discussed.

    It's also wonderful to know that if someone replies to a comment, an email notification will be sent. This ensures that readers can stay engaged in the conversation and continue to exchange ideas. It's through these interactions that we can build a sense of community and foster a deeper understanding of various viewpoints.

    I look forward to joining the discussion and sharing my own thoughts on future posts. Thank you for creating an environment where diverse opinions are welcomed and valued.

    Best regards,Carla
