Lawns are difficult to maintain in the desert. If you don't establish it the right way in the beginning it will be that much more difficult later. This episode describes the importance of irrigation for desert lawns and learning how to do it right, fertilizers to apply and when, mowing mistakes and how to correct them and the "green ops" of desert lawn care: aerification and dethatching.
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Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Desert Horticulture Podcast: Maintaining a Lawn in the Desert
Maintaining a lawn in the desert is not easy. Learn the fundamentals of desert lawn care: irrigation, fertilizing, mowing, aerification and dethatching.
Deseert Horticulture Podcast: How to Establish a Lawn
Lawns are sometimes a necessary part of a desert landscape. And when you are finished with it, the soil is improved and its easy to replace. Learn how to establish one in our desert climate.
Lawns are sometimes inferred to be the scourge the desert environment. But they are sometimes necessary. Learn when they should be considered, where they should be located, designed and installed as an integral part of a desert landscape.
Monday, September 2, 2019
Hearts and Flowers Failure
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Aptenia, or Hearts and Flowers, is a succulent that looks good with a little bit of shade and not in full sun unless the soil has been amended well. |
Q. This spring we re-landscaped our yard to include six
groundcover plants called Hearts and Flowers groundcover planted in full sun. They
did well in the cool, rainy spring. As
the weather got warmer, most of them turned brown starting at the center of the
plant and extending outward. They are
watered with two each, 2 gallon per hour emitters for 30 minutes three times a
A. It sounds like it just got too hot for them in that
location. These plants are short-lived in the desert. Hearts and flowers are
succulents and not as tough in full sun as many cacti. They grow best in the
cooler months of spring and fall. They originate in the warm and dry parts of
South Africa in locations that have summer monsoons.
and Flowers will grow in full sun out in the open if it is not a southern or
Western exposure with reflected heat. Plants will handle heat better if they
are planted in soils amended with good compost but prefer light shade in the
afternoons. The best place to put them is morning sun with some light shade in
the afternoons or on the east facing side of a wall. Typically, they have very
few pest problems.
Fall Annuals to Purchase and Plant from Seed
Q. As much as I love them, the geraniums are just too
high maintenance for me this year. Gave up on them. Can you recommend something,
in addition to Lantana, that is colorful and low maintenance?
A. Like vegetables, flowering plants have a time of year
when they perform best. Lantana is generally a summer flowering woody perennial
while geraniums flower best in our climate, even though they are perennial,
during the cooler months of October through March. The usual planting dates may
vary somewhat with the weather, but it should be around early to mid – October.
Commonly Found Geranium Alternatives
Some common
alternatives for geraniums used as annuals during the winter months include Snapdragons,
Pansies, and Petunias planted with Alyssum and Lobelia. Even though they aren’t
true winter annuals, they grow best during the cooler weather of mid fall
through early spring.
Start Fall Flowers from Seed
fall flowering plants for fun that you can start from seed include
- Alyssum (L)
- Bells of Ireland (T)
- Calendula (M)
- California Poppy (L)
- Candytuft (T)
- Cornflower (M)
- Gilia (L)
- Godetia (L)
- Iceland Poppy (M)
- Larkspur (T)
- Lupine (M)
- Nemesia (M)
- Nemkophila (L)
- Pansy (L)
- Phlox, Drummondi (L)
- Pinks (L)
- Stocks (M)
- Snapdragons (M)
- Verbena, Sand (L)
- Verbena (L)
- Viola (L)
L=Low M=Medium Height T=Tall
Big in the Back
attention to their mature size. Taller plants go in the back of the planting
area and smaller plants go in the front. Before planting any of these
non-desert flowering annuals, mix a decent compost into the soil before
planting if it’s going in a bed.
Amend the Soil Each Year and Fertilize Regularly
A 1-inch
layer of compost mixed into the soil 6 to 8 inches deep annually at planting
time, just like a vegetable garden, is enough. If the compost is a dark brown
or black amendment “rich” in nutrients, don’t add any fertilizer at planting
time and for the first 2 to 3 months after planting. If the compost is not
rich, mix in a high phosphorus fertilizer with the compost just before
these plants regularly. Removing spent flowers produces more flowers and
extends the life of the plant. Fertilize these winter annual flowers lightly
with a high nitrogen fertilizer once a month.
Pine Tree Not Growing
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This pine is struggling. Notice the open canopy, how thin it is. It is either not getting enough water or it was rootbound at planting time. |
Q. Several pine trees on municipal park property provide privacy
from people who frequent the adjoining park. All these pine trees have done
well over the last 20 years except for one that is about half the size of the
others. It’s in a perfect spot to provide privacy for me but doesn’t because of
its size. It gets plenty of sun and is not overcrowded by other trees, but I
don’t see any water for any of them. How do I help the little guy pine tree get
to the same size as his big guy brothers?
This pine tree is getting enough water. Notice how full and dense the canopy is. |
A. All those pine trees are irrigated, or they wouldn’t survive
in our desert climate and put on decent growth year after year. The smaller
tree could have a problem all its own, separate from the others.
Is it Rootbound?
fastest way to find out is to push hard on the tree trunk. You may have to push
several times. After these many years, that tree should be solidly anchored
into the ground. If it’s loose in the soil, the tree has a rooting problem and
should be replaced. If a tree with this problem is not replaced, it will always
be small and never grow regardless of what you do.
Plants that are rootbound can end up with strangling roots that choke other roots. These can be removed with they are young. Be careful when the roots are large. |
When you
push on it, there should be no soil movement where the trunk enters the ground.
If you do see movement beneath the trunk, the tree was “root bound” when it was
planted and never became established in the surrounding soil. That would be
unfortunate, but this happens too frequently to landscape plants grown in
Plants left in containers too long can create root problems. |
“Rootbound” plants have roots that grow in circles inside the container. This root
growth problem begins when plants are very young and is seldom a problem that
develops when they are older.
It is
possible plants can become “root bound” if they are grown in a container which
is too small for them for too many years. I suggest consumers don’t focus on
the “largest trees they can find”. Smaller plants, that are healthy and growing
rapidly, are always a better choice and will establish in the landscape faster.
Lack of Water
possibility is a lack of water. Inspect the soil to make sure that irrigation is
not the issue. If the plant is not root bound, water the soil under the canopy
of the tree with a hose, sprinkler and mechanical timer for one hour, once a
week. Do this during the summer months. Fix the irrigation problem of course
but the extra water once a week will help push new growth faster.
pine trees once a year in the spring with a tree and shrub fertilizer such as
16-16-16 or 20-20-20.
Microclimates in the Desert are Important
people think I’m crazy when I mention the importance of microclimates in
landscapes. Others may be unsure about what they are, how to establish these
microclimates and if they’re worth the expense. It’s really whether you value
the selection, appearance and quality of plants growing in your landscape.
affect how plants grow and appear in the desert, their quality if you’re
talking about vegetables growing in raised beds or fruit on fruit trees and how
comfortable we are when enjoying a beverage or meal outside. Landscape
microclimates change something about the outside: the air temperature, wind
speed, humidity, noise level or may address privacy issues. All these change
the microclimate in an otherwise open landscape.
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Some construction going on so the yellow cord is there but plants that might normally struggle in rock due to the heat and intense sunlight perform better with a break due to a microclimate. |
A recent
stroll through a commercial property on Maryland Parkway reminded me how
important these changes can be for plants and for us. A section of this
commercial property lowered the strolling and sitting area below this north to
south running street. This change provided morning and afternoon shade, change
the direction of the wind and lowered wind speed and reduced the noise level
from passing traffic 20 feet away.
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Plants like this Japanese privet perform better where they have a break from the intense desert environment. |
Here I
found outside sitting areas enjoyed by employees on a hot morning. I found plants
thriving, compared to their struggling counterparts 50 and 75 feet away. A
simple lowering of the landscape elevation provided “comfort” for plants and
humans alike without changes to the soil or irrigation different from the rest
of the landscape.
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Plants like this daylily planted in rock looks much better than its counterpart planted along the street. |
Be Creative with Microclimates at Home
Changing the landscape elevation is one way to address problem areas. Other
methods include trellising, building wind screens or diversions, use of
gazebos, building partial walls, using manufactured screening, paint and other
methods that provide a microclimate that improves the quality of plant growth
and the outside living area. Remember that cement and steel are more durable
surfaces than wood in the desert.
I will
talk more about this subject on my podcast.
Lawn Dies in Midsummer
Q. My father’s lawn is tall fescue and completely went
dead this summer. I’d like to know what we did wrong because we watered twice a
day. We are anxious to plant a new lawn ASAP and want some advice on how to
plant a new lawn from seed and the best seed to use. The lawn gets full sun.
A. Whatever killed the lawn is most likely gone. I know
you watered twice a day, but death of an entire lawn during the summer is
nearly always due to an irrigation problem. There are diseases and insects
which cause damage, but they always leave behind telltale patches of green. These
patches of green, to a trained eye, are clues to the cause of dying grass.
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Lawn disease |
Leave it Alone
until the temperatures cool down a bit, perhaps sometime between late September
and mid October, to begin planting a new lawn. In the meantime, leave the dead
grass in place to shade the soil and prevent weed growth. This layer of “mulch”
reduces weed problems that might pop up if you were to remove it. In the
meantime, continue irrigations because there are probably plant roots in that dead
lawn that need the water.
Lawn brown spots due to irrigaiton |
Check Irrigation
Check the
irrigation system and make sure it's working properly and the irrigation
controller is functioning. Kill and remove any weeds in the new lawn area. If
using a weedkiller, spray a week in advance so the herbicide has time to
disappear before planting.
Soil Prep
The day before planting the seed, irrigate to soften the soil. Rent a core aerator to punch holes all through the lawn area and rake it to remove or break up these cores.Reseed and Topdress
Apply 10
pounds of fescue seed blend per thousand square feet of lawn area. Don't skimp
on the cost of grass seed. Good grass seed is expensive. Bad grass seed is
Fertilize or Not
This is also the time to apply a fertilizer on top of the grass seed if the compost is not a “rich” compost. If the compost has fertilizer in it (a rich compost), don’t apply any fertilizer. Cover the seed with a 1/8-inch layer of compost and water twice a day. When the grass starts coming up in about five to seven days, reduce irrigations to once a day in the morning.Mow to Thicken the Lawn
You will
see grass emerge first in areas where there is good irrigation coverage. Where
the grass is growing slowly, work on improving the irrigation system for better
water coverage. Mow the grass no closer than 2 inches when the grass reaches 3
inches tall. Mowing causes the lawn to become denser.
Tomato Theft Might be Rats
Q. I have a raised planter box with my tomatoes doing
quite well. Some critter is raiding these tomatoes nearly every night and
removing the fruit. I found one of my larger heirloom beauties half-eaten and
dropped outside the box about 20' from the plant! What kind of critter might be
big enough and strong enough to do this?
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I think this is ground squirrel damage to the fruit but the incisor damage would be similar to a rat. |
A. I would first suspect rats. Rats are common throughout
the Valley, probably the second worst problem after birds, and they will eat
anything from fruit and citrus to vegetables including tomatoes and even fresh
compost ingredients. Normally, though, they eat fruit still attached to the vine,
but they can carry the fruit if they must. But damage to the fruit, because of
their teeth, is telling.
Not a tomato but Hachiya persimmon with bird damage. Notice the distinct bird pecking in the fruit. |
The two
types of rats present are the roof rat and Norway rat, with the smaller roof
rat being more common. Regardless, these critters go after ripe, or nearly ripe
fruit. If food becomes scarce, then these critters will go after unripened
fruit as well.
Southern Nevada Health District and Rats
Southern Nevada Health District and Rats
nonlethal strategies that might work include getting rid of any hiding places
such as low-lying and dense shrubbery or piles of debris and harvesting fruit
before it becomes fully ripe. Harvest tomatoes when they are still green,
provided the green fruit is starting to change color, and they will still ripen
off the vine. This color change occurs first near its attachment to the mother plant,
called the “shoulder”, and spreads over the rest of the fruit as it ripens.
Harvesting fruit early reduces the chance critters will eat them.
Rats are
good climbers so if you enclose a tomato plant with a cage to restrict their
smorgasbord opportunities, use hardware cloth with holes smaller in diameter
than your thumb but large enough to allow pollinator entry.
There is
a lot of information on the Internet concerning repellents from mothballs to
Fox urine. Like any information on the Internet, you are likely to have mixed
results so be aware.
lethal strategies, snap traps seem to work the best and maybe the safest method
to use if other animals are around.
Apply Fertilizer to Trees When it Cools Off
Q. How much fertilizer should I give my trees in the
landscape and when can I do it?
A. Apply fertilizer to established, winter hardy
landscape trees late in the season when temperatures have cooled down, trees
aren’t growing anymore but they still have leaves. This is called a late fall
fertilizer application and substitutes for a spring fertilizer application. In
the Las Vegas Valley this would be around late October to the middle of
Apply it
to the soil after an irrigation by using a sharpened, round nosed shovel. Push
the shovel into the ground as deep as you can and push it forward. Drop a half
cup of this fertilizer in the slit made by the shovel and close the slit with
your foot.
If the
trees canopy is 10 foot in diameter, use two half cups of fertilizer, one on
each side of the tree, 2 feet from the trunk. If the trees canopy is 20 feet in
diameter, use six each, half cups of fertilizer, three on each side and spaced
about 2 feet apart. If the trees spread is 40 feet in diameter, apply 24 of
these half cups in wet soil under the canopy. Turn on the irrigation water in a
normal irrigation cycle, let it dissolve the fertilizer in the soil and carry
it to the roots.
Skeletonizer Damage on Tecoma Can Look Like Drought
Q. From a distance I thought my Yellow Bells and Orange
Bells shrubs weren’t getting enough water because the leaves started turning
brown. But when I looked closer, I’m wondering if the brown leaves are because
of a fungus on the leaves. Any thoughts?
A. Look at the leaves of your Tecoma, a.k.a. Yellow
or Orange Bells, more closely and I think you will see that the surface
of the leaf has been eaten or “skeletonized”. This chewing damage causes the
leaves to turn brown; they become brown faster when it’s hot out. At a distance
you see the leaves of your Tecoma turning brown and it may look like
drought. Upon closer inspection, you get
more detail and can see the insect damage to the leaves and not a disease.
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Skeletonizer damage on Tecoma spp. Yellow or Orange bells |
shrub is native to the Sonoran and Chihuahua and deserts of the Southwest, all
through central and even the northern parts of South America, but not the
Mojave Desert where it needs slightly more water and warmer winter
temperatures. Tecoma and this skeletonizer coexist together. The skeletonizer
is the younger stages of a moth. It’s not clear if this insect will survive the
low temperatures of our winter or not. If it does, as more Tecoma are
planted, we may see more of this insect damage in future years.
Orange bells |
insect damage is common to Tecoma in warmer parts of the Southwest. It’s
feeding damage by the young, a.k.a. larvae, of a moth given the common name Tecoma
Leaf Tier Skeletonizer. This damage is like the skeletonizer damage we see on
grapes but caused by the young of a different moth.
now, this insect doesn’t usually cause enough damage to warrant spraying an
insecticide. Just pull off leaves when damage appears and drop them on the
ground. If the damage gets worse in future years, then spraying might be
pesticides of choice are “natural” insecticides called Bt and Spinosad. Apply
these sprays just before you anticipate damage or at the first sign of damage.
Bt and Spinosad products will kill the larvae of any moth or butterfly, whether
it’s good or bad one so be careful.
can be hard on honeybees so don’t spray plants that are flowering and spray at
sunup. If you have no choice when to spray, and the plant has flowers, remove
them and more flowers will be produced later.
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