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Friday, December 6, 2019

I Want Plants That Bloom All Season Long

Q.  I am looking for plants that bloom all season long like lantana. Can you help me?

A. I would rather that you use a searchable plant database online like the one created by Southern Nevada Water Authority. It’s a good one. Google or use your favorite internet browser and type in “find plants SNWA”. The Sunset Zone for Las Vegas is Zone 11. The rest of the information needed for the database should be straight forward. Use this before you go to the nursery and get a list of plants that you want.
            If you want plants selection advice from me, ask for five suggestions at your nursery and then I can help you pick which might be best. There is a lot of information available to help you decide. Select trees and shrubs that you cannot afford to lose using a minimum winter temperature of 20F. If we have a few warm winters in a row then you won’t lose anything!
            If you select plants that tolerate winter temperatures above this temperature then expect to lose them occasionally during cold winters. Even at 20F we will have 30 to 50-year freezes that will get as low as 12F. If the 20F plants are established in the landscape well before that, they will probably survive.

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