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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Cure Yellowing Eucalyptus Tree

Q. I have a 20 plus year old eucalyptus tree. The leaves are very yellow. What is the cause of this?

Its not a simple answer when it comes to yellowing eucalyptus. Could be anything. Judging from the plants around it and recent water restrictions I am wondering if it is water related.

A. Yellowing leaves can mean many things. It could be a nutritional problem, watering issues, or damage from insects or disease. I need more information as well as leaf and tree pictures. Make sure it gets an iron application to the soil in the spring. To be on the safe side, apply an iron chelate such as EDDHA.

This is the iron chelate called iron EDDHA. Because of its chemistry it performs well in all soil pH if applied in the spring.

            Check for a watering issue or a leak that floods the soil in that area. Eucalyptus is “mesic” in their water use so an application frequency for large trees should be used. When water is applied it should be deep and wide or large shrubs that receive water should be located under its canopy. Once a tree is chosen its increasing water use as it gets bigger has also been chosen.

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