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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Chemical Sprays for Mites

Q. I was reading your blog, Xtremehorticulture of the Desert, about spider mite damage on Italian cypress. You recommend a miticide spray. Which one should I get?

Spider mites are a hot weather problem. They can cause browing and a dusty appearance to the foliage.

A. All cypress trees have problems in desert landscapes. Spider mites are common problems with Italian cypress during the heat of the summer. If you have Italian cypress it’s best to wash the foliage off with a high-pressure hose once a month during the summer. This hosing of the green foliage gets rid of dirt that covers the foliage and increase the chance of spider mite breakouts.

This reader had browing on the foliage of their Italian cypress. Spider mites are a major culprit.

If Italian cypress starts turning grey first and then brown due to feeding from spider mites you will not have much choice but to spray something. If it’s not too late, start with soapy water sprays weekly to remove dust or debris interfering with predatory mites. Predatory mites control spider mites but the dust interferes with their predation. Or use plant oils such as Neem oil or  cinnamon oil in early morning hours and retest the tree to see if it worked.
Mites dont have to cause webbing but spider mites do. That's why they are called "spider" mites. There are spider mites AND leaf miners on these plant leaves. Spider mites attack all sorts of plants.

Spraying the tree with a miticide is probably a good decision if nothing else has worked. Miticides are insecticides that are good at controlling mites. Select an insecticide from the shelf at your nursery or garden center that says it controls mites on the label. The active ingredients on the label of the insecticide might include chemicals like Azobenzene, Dicofol, Ovex, or Tetradifon among others.
            Unfortunately spraying with a miticide might cause you to spray again because of other pest problems. That’s why I tell you to try other methods first.

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