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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Why Dry Citrus Fruit?

Q. The fruit on my tangerine tree was very dry when I harvested it. My tree is about 10 feet tall when I purchased it in a 24-inch box. I had it for two years and both years the fruit has been very dry. The looks healthy and blooms good but the fruit is just not edible even when I tried to pick at different times.

A. When you plant anything from a 24-inch box make sure the soil surrounding the box was amended thoroughly with a good quality compost. Secondly, flood the entire area surrounding this plant and including this plant, with water immediately after planting. I would flood this entire area twice a few days apart before turning it over to an irrigation system.

Lack of Water

            The usual reason for dry fruit is a lack of applied irrigation water. To water this tree, use at least four drip emitters or a coil of drip tubing about 12 inches from the tree trunk. I would cover the soil with a 3 to 4-inch layer of woodchips applied to a distance at least out to the canopy of the tree.

I was going to mention another reason you could have dry fruit was harvesting late but you are harvesting at different times so I think you have that covered.

Water Deep and Cover the Soil in Woodchips

            It is very important that the tree receives water deeply and frequently enough to keep the soil moist while the fruit is getting larger. This can be deceiving as the weather is getting warmer with such a large tree. A soil moisture meter inserted into the soil under the mulch about 4 inches deep in three different locations will tell you when to irrigate again. You should irrigate when the meter has dropped about halfway, usually when it averages around “5”.

Water to 18 inches Deep

            A long thin piece of rigid steel like a piece of 4-foot-long rebar will tell you how many minutes to irrigate. For citrus trees I would apply enough water to wet the roots to a depth of about 18 inches. Pushing this rebar into the soil after an irrigation will tell you how deeply the water traveled.

Add More Emitters?

            If you are locked in to a certain number of minutes because your irrigating other plants as well, then add enough drip emitters, or increase the size of the emitters, or increase the length of the drip tubing coiled around the tree until enough water is applied with your given number of minutes.

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